Coleda b2b
3 min readDec 21, 2020


Cold Emails

Email marketing is one of the most effective methods to convert leads to prospects. In the case of starting a meaningful conversation over cold emails, sales teams need to invest a lot of time and effort to execute it correctly.

According to MailChimp data, email open rates can vary from 15.22% to 28.46%. In cold emails, the content must be able to entice prospects to act like hitting the reply button or download button. To do this, email messages should be able to build a relationship with the prospect.

Here are three important pointers that can increase the success rate of cold emails, leading to faster conversions.

  • Include a Benefit or Interesting Question in the Subject Line

The first thing that an email recipient notices is the subject line, and it is also the point at which he/she decides to trash it or open it. Mention of the sender’s name in the subject line is an ineffective method in cold calling. Instead, the subject line must have a benefit or an interesting question that entices the recipient to open the email. This ensures the email will receive the attention it deserves in a crowded inbox.

Subject lines must be short and possess a curiosity element, personalization, and relevancy for recipients to be interested to open the email. For subsequent emails, offers, a sense of urgency, and including names of famous people can create the necessary effect.

  • Explain How You Can Solve Customer Pain Points

The email content should be all about solving the prospect’s pain points. The focus should be only on products or services that will be useful to the reader. Storytelling is an effective way to convey the benefits of the product or service that you’re selling. Most readers engage with you once you have gained their trust.

The first cold email is the most important one because it sets the tone for the dialogue with the prospects. Mention clearly in the content what to expect from the emails, how often you’ll email, and how to contact you or the company if required. Gmail has a separate tab for “Promotions”. To avoid getting slotted as a promotional email, limit the number of links and images in the content.

  • Personalize Emails

The personalization of cold emails leads to an increase in the open rate. In B2B, tailoring the cold email to the recipient’s role or adding industry news or statistics encourages more click-throughs. Any content that speaks directly to the lead (refer to their articles, compliment their social media presence, etc.) grabs his/her attention and increases the chance of getting a response. Additionally, providing links to resourceful blogs and upcoming events in the email footer helps to capture the prospect’s attention.

Running a cold email can be tricky. Implementing these pointers can help you stand out from the crowd, improve open rates, and ultimately, generate more leads. From a company-wide perspective, running a successful email marketing campaign can lead to high-quality lead generation and improved brand awareness.

Coleda b2b

Coleda B2B is not just one of the fastest growing firms across the global landscape, but is also the only agency to maintain 98.3% Acceptance Rate on MOM basis.